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How is Science related to human life?

how is science related to human life
This modern age is the age of science . Science in fact is the knowledge about the nature and its structures by applying different principles .It deals with the theory, procedure , conclusion , and implementation that is done in systematic way. In each and every steps of human life science has played an important role . In bygone days human life was far from the application of science and life was very difficult . They were able to think in logical way and understand , and were unable to explain about it. Now in this present era, science has made human to take long steps with a slagging confidence and enthusiasm which results human life to grow intellectually into important and respect field, making them able and achieved in every field . now the application of science is increasing in every nooks and corners and in the world science opens or bags the prominent position. In this sense , science has completely changed the way that is done . From small pins and needles to huge iron sheets and joints most of the things we require for our everyday use are the products gained in which scientific principles are used . Really human life become like "the condition that appears in the cart man having no wheels of two cart ." From this we understand that how close is the relation between science and human life .
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